
NextJS Typescript Serverless Fast loading SSR & SSG ChakraUI Server components Closed source

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Key features:

PasioneVespa was built with a modern and efficient web development stack that prioritizes speed, performance, and scalability. The frontend framework, Next.js, utilizes TypeScript for type safety and improved development experience. The backend is serverless, using edge functions on Vercel to handle API requests and other dynamic operations.

For data persistence, I used a NeonDB serverless postgres database, providing a scalable and cost-effective solution for storing and managing website data.

Cloudflare R2 is used for storing images and other static assets. To optimize image loading performance, WebP images are served whenever possible.

I gathered all the data from a lot of different sources with the help of scraping and other data gathering tools.

I started the project in August of 2023 and deployed it in November.

passione vespa